Bheemham PONG Update
I updated Bheemham PONG three days in a row, which may give out some entertainment. If that didn't work well, it was still worth it!
Anyways, let me get back on todays topic.
Game Over Messages
The final update of Bheemham PONG is new game over messages! There are currently 19 messages in Bheemham PONG! Lets read the following messages, shall we.
Loser! (you already witnessed that message)
How could this happen
*Sad trombone sound*
This may be a good time to rage quit
You had one job
If only i can add a laughing emoji
We all make mistakes
What can i say next, you lost
Ain't that a good score
Did i hear a desk slam?
Although you did good, im still calling you a noob since you lost
And i said "sike" u lost